About Us
안녕하세요 :) Welcome to Seoul Beauty!
I have always been obsessed with everything Korean, whether it's skincare, beauty, food, music, K-pop idols... and the list can go on. My obsession started before Korean culture even became popular here in SA!
Skincare and beauty has always been a big part of my life and ever since I've started using Korean skincare in my teens era, I've been always exploring more and trying new products and it's safe to say that Korean skincare never disappoints!
I finally have the courage to step out of my comfort zone and to start what I am passionate about. I want to share with you products that actually works so we can all achieve the glow.
As we are just starting, we may not have a wide range of products but we do try to stock products that are trending in Korea. Please let us know if there are any brands or products that you may want us to stock (we can't promise anything but we will do our best!). This will also allow us to get to know you and your skin concerns so we can source more products for you as we grow and glow together.
Love from Seoul Beauty ❤︎